「邵逸夫獎」設有三個獎項,分別為天文學、生命科學與醫學、數學科學。每年頒獎一次,每項獎金一百二十萬美元。今年為第 二十屆頒發,頒獎典禮定於本年11月12日 (星期日...
The Shaw Prize consists of three annual prizes: Astronomy, Life Science and Medicine, and Mathematical Sciences, each bearing a monetary award of US$1.2 million. This will be the twentieth year that the Prize has been awarded and th...
Since the launch of the Shaw Prize in 2002 and the first cycle of awards in 2004, it has gained increasing recognition within the scientific community. To mark its 20th anniversary, we find out how the award is rolled out and its im...