2018年度邵逸夫數學科學獎頒予路易・卡法雷 (Luis A Caffarelli),以表彰他在偏微分方程上的突破性工作,包括創立一套正則理論,適用於如蒙日−安培方程等非線性方程,及如障礙問題等的自由邊界問題,這些工作影響了該領域整個世代的研究。路易・卡法雷是美國德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校數學教授。
Differential equations are fundamental to large parts of mathematics, physics, and indeed all the sciences. For example, if a physical system is in a certain state, and obeys certain laws, then a differential equation will tell you the state of the system infinitesimally later, and by putting together all these infinitesimal changes one can follow the evolution of the system in time. Or if a static system is held together by certain forces, a differential equation can often say how one part of the system depends on its immediate neighbours, and putting together this local information can give a global description of the system.
The simplest differential equations, known as ordinary differential equations, concern functions that depend on just one variable. For example, if a stone is thrown vertically in the air, then there is an ordinary differential equation that describes how its height varies as a function of time, given its initial height and velocity. However, the most useful equations, known as partial differential equations, concern functions of several variables (such as, for example, three spatial coordinates and one temporal coordinate) and are significantly more complicated as a result. Partial differential equations can be used to model heat flow, fluid motion, electromagnetic waves, quantum mechanics, the shape of soap bubbles, and innumerable other physical phenomena.
路易・卡法雷 (Luis A Caffarelli) 1948年於阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯出生,現為美國德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校數學教授。1969年於阿根廷 布宜諾斯艾利斯大學取得理學碩士學位,並於1972年於該校取得 數學博士學位。他畢業後加入美國明尼蘇達大學工作,1973年至1974年為博士後研究員,1975年至1977年為助理教授,1977年至1979年為副教授,1979年至1983年為教授。1980年至1982年於 美國紐約大學柯朗數學科學研究所任教授,之後分別於 美國芝加哥大學(1983–1986)、美國普林斯頓高等研究院(1986–1996)和美國紐約大學柯朗數學科學研究所(1994–1997)擔任教授。路易・卡法雷是美國國家科學院院士及美國人文與科學院院士。