三位科學家獲得2011年度邵逸夫生命科學與醫學獎:法國斯特拉斯堡大學教授朱爾斯・霍夫曼(Jules A Hoffman)、耶魯大學大衛・華萊士免疫學講座教授魯斯蘭・麥哲托夫(Ruslan M Medzhitov)和斯克利普斯研究院遺傳學學系主任布魯斯・比尤特勒 (Bruce A Beutler)。三位科學家的開創性研究確定了先天性免疫系統的機制,也為其他人大量的研究工作打開局面,取得進展之大固不待言,而且可以預期研究成果將可應用,將有助提高免疫系統的整體機能。
The immune system is central to the survival of humans in a world filled with potentially deadly microbes. Immunity has two major components: (i) the familiar “adaptive” immune system, mobilized by previous infections or vaccines to protect us against subsequent encounters with specific microbes, and (ii) the less well-known, innate immune system, which is immediately mobilized in response to infection through inflammatory responses. Both systems are essential for human survival. Infants born without a functioning adaptive immune system, such as those with “severe combined immunodeficiency”, require heroic measures, such as bone marrow transplantation, if they are to survive. But the lack of a normally functioning innate immune system is also life-threatening, as is seen in the repetitive severe infections in those with mutations in key components of the innate immune system.
The 2011 Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine is awarded to Jules Hoffmann, Professor at the University of Strasbourg, Ruslan Medzhitov, David W. Wallace Professor of Immunobiology at Yale University, and Bruce Beutler, Professor of Immunology, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. These three scientists have done path-breaking work that established the mechanisms of the innate system and provide new avenues for drug design to improve the overall function of the immune system.
布魯斯.比尤特勒 (Bruce A Beutler) 1957年生於美國芝加哥,現任美國德克薩斯大學西南醫學中心 Raymond and Ellen Willie 癌症研究卓越教授暨宿主防禦遺傳學中心主任。1976年畢業於加州大學聖地牙哥分校,取得學士學位,1981年獲芝加哥大學醫學博士學位,1983至1986年在洛克菲勒大學從事博士後研究並成為助理教授,於1990及1996年分別被委任為德克薩斯大學西南醫學中心副教授和教授,2000年為加州拉霍亞斯克里普斯研究所 (The Scripps Research Institute) 教授,並於2007年被委任為遺傳學學系主任,是美國國家科學院及醫學研究院院士。