1967年,Arno Penzias 和 Robert Wilson 第一次測量到來自太空的 3 K 微波輻射。它很快就被證實為宇宙創生後留下的遺跡,其後隨宇宙膨脹而受到紅移。Penzias 和 Wilson 因此而獲得 1978 年諾貝爾物理學獎。天文學家馬上意識到宇宙微波背景輻射提供了有關宇宙結構和演化的極重要的資訊,可以用它探測宇宙在大爆炸後不到 40 萬年時物質和能量的分佈。隨後,眾多實驗紛紛跟進。2006 年諾貝爾物理學獎授給 John Mather 和 George Smoot,表彰他們用 COBE 衛星測量宇宙微波背景輻射譜並探測到其各向異性。
2001 年威爾琴森微波各向異性探測器衛星(WMAP)升空,它對全天宇宙微波背景亮度分佈進行了極為精確的高分辨的成像觀測。其測量溫度變化的靈敏度達到百萬份之一。由查理斯‧班尼特(Charles L Bennett),萊曼‧佩治(Lyman A Page Jr) 和戴維‧斯佩格 (David N Spergel) 領導的 WMAP 小組,通過分析這些微小的變化,以前所未有的精確度,測量了宇宙基本參數,包括宇宙的幾何,年齡和物質組成。即:宇宙的幾何是平坦的,它的年齡是137.5 ± 1.3 億年。宇宙是由暗能量(佔72.1 ± 1.5 %)、暗物質 (佔23.3 ± 1.3 %)和重子物質(佔4.6 ± 0.1 %)組成。WMAP 的測量結果開創了精確宇宙學的時代,對天文學、宇宙學和物理學產生重大影響。
How did the universe begin? What makes up the universe? Why does the sky look the way it does? Humankind has been asking these kinds of questions for millennia, but these questions are now subject to direct observational measurements. Measurements have revealed that we live in an expanding universe and that the expansion is becoming faster and faster.
It is now firmly established that our universe has been expanding and cooling for billions of years, ever since the Big Bang. To be precise, the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) space mission has determined that the age of the universe is thirteen billion, seven hundred million years. This has been recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the most accurate determination of the age of the universe.