2007年邵逸夫天文学奖将颁予美国加州理工学院和普林斯顿高等研究所的彼得.高里教授,以表彰他一生在理论天体物理学和行星科学中取得的成就。他的最重要贡献既深且广,丰富多样,令人仰慕,叹为观止。它们包括:太阳系中的轨道共振效应、行星环和太阳系外行星;较差转动放大和盘状星系旋臂结构的关系;星际微波激射放大效应的产生和进行测定的机制;脉冲星的电动力学;在日震学和星际闪烁中出现的天体物理湍流的特徵;将木卫一(即伽利略发现的 Io 卫星)考虑为从木星发出的低频射电爆源等。彼得.高里教授广受敬仰,为当代天文学之翘楚,其工作影响深远。事实上,他以高水准的研究,尖锐的洞察力和广泛的成就见称,已成为该领域中的最高楷模。
The past fifty years represent a golden age for astronomy. Exciting new discoveries occurred across a wide range of phenomena. Our intellectual horizons expanded correspondingly. At the edge of that expansion, often creating mighty explosions of his own, one invariably finds Peter Goldreich.
Goldreich’s career began auspiciously with his explanation, with Peale, of the role of resonances in the solar system. This understanding formed the basis for the later successful prediction that volcanoes would exist on Io. When the motion of Io was found to correlate with intense decametric radio emission from Jupiter, Goldreich and Lynden-Bell put forth an elegant explanation that relied on the presence of a million-ampere tube of electric current flowing between Io and Jupiter’s magnetosphere, a prediction that was later confirmed by direct satellite imaging of the hot spot in Jupiter’s atmosphere that is linked magnetically to Io.